Designed for women leaders who want to be respected, empowered, and influential, and build the life and career they want.
You always are the first to raise your hand for new projects and additional responsibility. But someone else always seems to get the credit for your wins.
I was the get-it-all done, high achiever. I worked like crazy to PROVE that I was WORTH something. I was a Senior Manager (who battled my way up the ladder in a male dominated industry), I was a senior graded martial artist, a kickboxing instructor, a wife and a mum. We had a hobby farm with 57 acres to look after.
But still, deep down, I felt like I was less than I could be.
Inside my head I railed against the “system” that was keeping me small, pushing me down, and frustrating me.
I was determined to beat it, to be NOTICED, damn it!
I was driving myself into the ground trying to prove myself. My relationships, my family, and my health all suffered.
I was labelled bossy, pushy, loud, cold, uncaring. Even though I appeared confident, I struggled with a lack of self belief and self worth.
But that’s just more money spent, more hours at the office, more stress.
If you are doing what all the experts tell you, shouldn't it work?
The traditional leadership training and solutions are all geared towards men.
Google leadership theories and look at the words that come up. Authoritative. Paternalistic. Transactional. Great Man Theory.
How on earth can any of these really apply to you? Men lead differently, so what works for them won’t work for you.
Here’s where traditional leadership theories and methods are failing you. No-one is teaching or showing you how to lead as a woman.
That's not your fault. As women in leadership almost all our role models are men.
Look at the leaders above you. How many are men and how many are women? For many of you, the leaders above you are male. So we learn to lead like men.
My diagnosis with breast cancer brought my world to a crashing halt.
As you do when you have a diagnosis of a life threatening illness, I took time out. Time to work through the treatment and the healing. Time to reflect, and think, and just be.
When I returned to work, I had a different view. Life is too short to keep doing something that clearly wasn’t working for me.
I turned to all my leadership and management learning. I read, I studied, I got accredited in every tool, diagnostic, psychometric and methodology that I found interesting. It was only when I studied human instincts and tribal leadership that I finally figured out what had been bothering me about the modern leadership paradigm.
I quit my corporate job and started a consulting and coaching business. And it's taken off in a way I hardly imagined.
I did six figures in the first year, doubled that in year two, and my income has skyrocketed way past anything I was earning in corporate land.
I've won multiple awards for leadership, for coaching, and for business. I wrote a bestselling, award nominated book, and I am featured as a thought leader in publications and blogs worldwide.
But the really good news is that I am doing all this with far less stress and without the constant nagging feeling of “I’m not good enough.”
Once I was finally able to let myself grow into my true and authentic feminine leadership and power, people started to give me new feedback. I have been told I have absolute presence, that I command the room, that I am the mentor who changed their lives.
I have taken everything I have learned about humans in leadership, and I created an archetypes system that guides women to grow into their true and natural leadership and power.
Aren't you ready to live a fully empowered life on your terms? Where you are respected, and your title and salary reflect that?
Where you don’t have to work harder than everyone else just to keep pace.
Where you and your family are a priority.
And you no longer feel that draining guilt that you should be at work when you are at home and at home when you are at work.
I show women that they can have leadership and influence while being themselves. It truly is the art and science of female leadership.
I truly believe with the Sovereign Women ® Salon, we can make real changes in the way powerful women like you ‘do’ leadership.
You were trained to lead the very same way your male peers were trained. And let's face it, society lines up behind the male-dominated, boys' club way of leading.
The truth is that women have a different brain chemistry than men. So women need to lead in a different way to be effective. Which is why we need to approach leadership as empowered female leaders rather than in the old school way of leading like men.
Just as you have learned to lead like a man, you can unlearn all of that and learn how to lead like a female. Yes, it requires a bit of undoing. You have had this programming since you were a little girl. But with the help of the Sovereign Women ® Salon, we can unwrite all of that past and create a new version of you, one that will achieve with grace and ease.
You CAN become the kind of leader that you want to be. The Sovereign Women ® Salon and my women’s leader archetypes provide you with the road map to play to your natural feminine strengths.
I know that you’ve invested in courses and trainings with little or no results. So why the Sovereign Women® Salon?
What would a pay rise or promotion be worth to you? $10,000, $20,000, or more?
Nicole was sent to me by her organisation for coaching. She was young and untried in a senior role and had been recruited into a big job. The CEO wanted her to have support while she grew into the job.
With my coaching, training and tools, Nicole learned how to lead as an empowered woman, absolutely demonstrated her worth to the business, and negotiated a bigger role with a significant pay rise and more responsibility.
That's why you are frustrated, stuck, and overwhelmed.
If you will commit to investing 30 minutes a day in yourself as a member of the Sovereign Women ® Salon, you will see results.
"The best part of the Sovereign Women Salon was reviewing how we / who we are related to archetypes as it helps challenge us (and gives opportunity) to consider different approaches. As I move forward I am feeling more confident, my sense of achievement is building."
"I particularly enjoyed the other perspectives. It challenged my thinking about me! The thing I wasn’t expecting from this work, but I am thrilled about is how great it is to have some insight into different behaviours and how to make changes. I learnt new things about myself. There was a good balance of learning and practical application. As I move forward I am positive about making some changes."
"The best part of the Salon was learning about the Archetypes and their shadows. I was thrilled about the openness of all at the Salon to share their stories, experiences and insights. I’m feeling energised to more deeply focus on myself and attaining and maintaining my Sovereign life. I’d also like to add that Ros openly shares her wisdom and insights on women’s leadership. "
Laying the groundwork for change. Understanding the 8 archetypes and how to activate them in your life to create your authentic leadership and power presence
Exploring your shadows – this week we introduce the shadow assessment tool and take a personal journey into your own shadow world
Your Sovereign Life – designing the life you want. True to self, unapologetically owning your Sovereign power, living your first-class Sovereign life
Staying the course – the tools and techniques to hold fast in your Sovereign power, to release the shadows and fully activate the Warrior, the Wise Woman and the Tribe Builder
I know from working with my clients 1:1 that it's always easier to make a change when you have the support and accountability of a coach. On this weekly live group coaching call, I show you how to use the powerful lessons in the Sovereign Woman™ Salon to effect change in your life.
"I loved meeting my Sovereign self. She was very accomplished, confident, brave, healthy, financially abundant, and extremely successful. I now have a direct and clear plan to develop her. I gained a self-realisation of who I am when I am super busy (and how to find ways to be a fantastic leader without turning into the Tyrant). Moving forward I feel confident, excited and empowered. "
My private Facebook Group is a powerful resource that can keep you moving through day-to-day challenges. You can pop in any day, at any time, and ask the group and me about your specific situational challenges and how to call on the Archetypes to help you successfully move forward.
"The best parts of the Sovereign Women Salon were meeting a fantastic and inspiring group of women, learning about the archetypes (particularly the shadows) and being part of a “first group”. The thing I wasn’t expecting from this work, but I am totally thrilled about is an action plan that I believe I can put into place. It was particularly impactful to write my sovereign story and be reminded of the powerfulness of journaling. "
My Sovereign Woman® Leadership Archetype Assessment tells you which Archetype you most closely align with: the Sovereign, the Warrior, the Wise Woman, or the Tribe Builder.
Then, based on your results, I created your customised Archetype Empowerment Blueprint which introduces you to your Dominant, Secondary, Transitional, and Develop Archetypes as well as the Shadow Archetypes. The Blueprint helps you understand your Motivations, Signature Moves, and Natural Leadership Style so you can begin Accessing and Activating Your Highest Sources of Power.
"I am thrilled that I can relate this not just to my professional life, and I am positive that I can achieve the actions I have set for myself. It was a great group of Sovereigns!"
Today’s Price: $1997
For people who are concerned about guarantees, I just want to share with you that I guarantee if you do nothing, nothing will change. And that’s the comfy option.
I need to restrict the group size so I can provide the level of support you will need on the weekly coaching calls and as you work through the program.
"As I move forward I feel EMPOWERED TO BE MY SOVEREIGN TYPE. I believe this is very valuable and needs to be accessible to a diverse audience."
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