2024 Calendar 

Masterclasses, workshops, and events.

21 May

Lunch & Learn

Coaching Skills for Managers

Did you know that coaching skills are fundamental to being a good manager?

In fact, 97% of organisations believe that coaching impacts positively on business performance.

But nearly half of the managers surveyed spend less than 10% of their time coaching others.

And there are a whole range of reasons for that, but one of the biggest is that managers don’t have an easy to follow road map for coaching.

Research shows that managers and leaders who become great coaches, can significantly improve employee engagement, reduce turnover, and positively impact the bottom line of their business.

In our Lunch and Learn, you will:

  • Discover an easy 4-step process for acing your coaching conversations
  • Practice one of the most fundamental skills of coaching
  • Learn the 3 P’s of effective coaching
  • Leave with skills and tools to help you be an effective workplace coach

Who should attend:

  • Managers
  • Human Resources

Sign up now for just $47!


20 June

Lunch & Learn

Thriving in Change

Are you being impacted by workplace change?

“Your reactions to change are normal, expected and understandable. When change is presented to people, we instantly decide at an individual level, filtered by our immediate emotional response, whether this change for me is gain or loss”. – Ros Cardinal, Change Facilitator

Join us for a workshop that is proven to help you cope better with change. Ros will guide you through our 3 step system to coping with change. We help you unpack your reactions to change, understand yourself more deeply and create a powerful plan for building your resilience to change.

Just wanted to say “thanks” for the workshop last week. It was probably one of the most useful workshops I have been to recently…and when I booked I thought it would be of more use to my participants or colleagues than myself! ~ Participant feedback

Discover the keys to thriving in change and enhance your adaptability and resilience, ensuring you emerge stronger in the face of evolving circumstances.

Sign up now for just $47!


23 July

Lunch & Learn

Political Intelligence

Do you have it? Do you need it? Can you develop it?

Political behaviour is everywhere in organisational life. It is needed by the line worker who is going for a promotion and by the executive in preparation for a board meeting. It shows up informally in chats over coffee, and formally, in how people behave together in decision making, delegation, succession planning and performance management. Sometimes it elicits curiosity, sometimes cynicism.

Political intelligence shouldn't be a dirty word (or two words)! It can, and should, be used for good - to help you be an effective influencer in the things that matter.

Sign up now for just $47!