What’s The Biggest Difference Between Women Who:
Effortlessly Overcome Obstacles To Achieve Big Goals
And Women Who Are Constantly Buried Under A Pile Of Busy And Can’t Get Off The Treadmill To Nowhere?
That’s a good question, isn’t it? And I imagine your response is something like this:
"Ohmygosh, yes! I just can’t seem to get ahead. The harder I try, the more stressed out and further behind I get".
Or perhaps it's more like this....
"That’s a load of hogwash. We can’t have it all, and the women who appear to sail through life are just showing you the Instagram version of their days".
Well, let me know if any of this sounds familiar…

- You never have enough time to do all the things.
- You’re always busy. You barely take time for lunch. Or a workout. Or anything for yourself.
- You thought you’d be further ahead by now.
- You can’t seem to focus and get in the flow to finish the things that are important to you.
And you know you can’t go on like this....
So you take time away from your family on Sunday to really get your head straight and your life organized.
This week will be different. This week you’ll finally finish that project, pitch that idea, submit that TedTalk application…
You'll work on the thing that you KNOW is going to take you places. You block off Monday morning on your calendar to make it happen. You close your planner with a smile. This week WILL be different.

Your Monday begins as you roll out of bed and are greeted with 95 email notifications.
At least half of them are marked urgent.
You start responding before you brush your teeth.
The unruly start to your well-planned #motivationmonday derails into #middaymeltdown as you address the 9th emergency of the day.
At 10:53 a.m. Monday morning.
I know the feeling. I've been there too...
And I thought I was doing something wrong. Why was I always the rallying point for crisis resolution? Why could “urgent” decisions linger until the second I returned to the office - and then have to be addressed by me immediately?
I was the get-it-all-done high achiever, and I believed that meant I had to do everything myself. I was driving myself into the ground trying to show my value. And I felt the need to prove myself over and over again by asking “how high?” every time someone said “jump!”
My relationships, my family, and my health all were suffering. And for what? Even though I was “successful,” I wasn’t achieving the goals that were important to me.

I finally decided it was time to look at things differently.
I started by reviewing what I did each day and compared that to what I actually wanted to accomplish - and saw a huge gaping hole.
I hadn’t really looked at it in black and white, and that got my attention. That’s when I got focussed and got to work on what truly was standing between me and my goals.
The results were the foundation of something new….
The Peak Performance Program
Simple strategies for busy women who want real-life success without all the stress.
After completing the program, you’ll:
- Understand the difference between important and urgent and why it matters!
- Increase your productivity while reducing your stress
- Know the secret to achieving more than you ever dreamed possible in the time you have available
- Have the power to activate the key characteristics of the Warrior archetype and achieve your biggest goals
Here’s what’s included with the
Peak Performance Program
Module 1 - The Neuroscience of Peak Performance
Module 3 - Getting Focussed and Motivated
You'll learn why goal setting is critical to productivity and performance. I'll show you my methodology for goal setting and share a tool that helps you prioritise, plan, and keep the momentum rolling forward.
Module 2 - My Crucial Productivity Concepts
You'll learn how to identify your priorities and your time zappers. I'll also teach you how to use the concepts of importance, urgency, effort, and impact to boost your productivity levels sky high!
Module 4 - Removing Obstacles to Effectiveness
You'll learn what's getting in your way when it comes to effective time management and how you might be unintentionally sabotaging yourself. I'll share a tool that allows you to see how you really are spending your time so you expose and eliminate those hidden time wasters.
With the Peak Performance Program, your Inner Warrior will step to the forefront and allow you to stop spinning your wheels and start achieving.
But I want to make it even easier for you, so I’m adding in these key tools that help my clients every day….

My Productivity Tools will immediately help you achieve more with less effort by helping you set your true priorities, delegate, and eliminate the unnecessary hard slogs from your life.

Goal Setting
My Goal Setting Workbook isn’t just about listing the things you’d like to get done. It’s about identifying goals that get you inspired and excited, making sure those goals align with your values, and setting you up for success!

Interruptions Blaster
My clients all agree that my Interruptions Blaster is a shockingly effective secret weapon in the battle against unproductive. By using just this one tool, you can take back hours of your time every week (and sometimes hours every day!).
Frequently Asked Questions
My to-do list already is endless. Why should I make room for this course?
I’ve tried productivity courses before, but they never seem to work for me. What’s different about yours?
How long do I have to work through the course and bonuses?
What if I just can't make it happen on my own?
I’d like you to really think about what your life looks like today… right now.
If all this course did was simply and easily help you:
- Become more productive while reducing your stress levels
- Achieve your biggest goals… and allow you to reach higher
- Find that elusive work-life balance that you believed impossible
Would it be worth $97? Or even more?

My clients pay thousands of dollars for 1:1 coaching with me.
However, because I believe so strongly that by truly activating your inner Warrior you can bust through the barriers to effectiveness, I had to make this course available to many more women like you at a much lower cost.
I’ll see you inside the
Peak Performance Program!
YES PLEASE! I WANT SUCCESSAre you ready to confidently commit to achieving your goals?
You have the power to make different choices right now based on your real goals and priorities, not the busy work and false emergencies that consume your days and drain your energy.
The Peak Performance Program includes all the tools you need to easily prioritise, plan, and keep your make-things-happen-momentum rolling in the right direction.