Women of Substance Community

Are you ready to unlock your full potential as a woman in leadership? Imagine a future where you confidently navigate the landscape of work, shatter glass ceilings, and achieve your career goals. The Women of Substance Community is here to make that vision a reality.

And your membership is absolutely free.

Sign up today!

Peak Performance Program

Are you ready to confidently commit to achieving your goals?

You have the power to make different choices right now based on your real goals and priorities, not the busy work and false emergencies that consume your days and drain your energy.

The Peak Performance Program includes all the tools you need to easily prioritise, plan, and keep your make-things-happen-momentum rolling in the right direction.

It's time to put an end to the #middaymeltdowns for good!

Read More & Sign Up

Balance & Self-Care Program

I understand the busy. I was a senior leader – in corporates and government.

I climbed the corporate ladder in a male dominated industry.

But nothing was ever enough, so I just kept working harder.

My health and family suffered. And I was miserable.

Don’t let an awful diagnosis or a mistake made purely through exhaustion force you to make a change.

You have the power to make different choices right now based on real priorities instead of your endless to-do list.

Read More & Sign Up

Women's Leader Archetype

Join over 10,000 women who have used the WLA assessment and model to transform their leadership.

Contact [email protected] for more information, or visit the home of the Archetypes - clickĀ here.

The Archetypes


  • Self assured

  • Focussed on being her best

  • Fearless leader

  • Confident

  • Exciting

  • Influential

  • Impactful

  • Magnetic

  • Uses her power to benefit the collective

  • Creative


  • Ambitious

  • Change catalyst

  • Goal driven

  • Visionary

  • Insightful problem solver

  • Loves challenges

  • A true self starter

  • Motivated

  • Sure of her ability


  • Sought out by others for her wisdom and knowledge

  • Lifelong learner

  • Mentors, guides and encourages others

  • Shares her knowledge freely

  • Supports the growth of others

  • Sees potential.


  • Networker

  • Draws people together

  • Creates community and collectivity

  • Compassionate

  • Empathic

  • Values people and relationships

Listening Material

The Ontological Leader

Female Brain, Neuroscience and Leadership, with Ros Cardinal


5 Minute Success

Ros Cardinal – Secrets of Releasing Your True Potential Revealed


Sacred Psychology

The Art and Science of Female Leadership; Women's Leadership Archetypes with Ros Cardinal